Friday, August 26, 2011

Demon Slayer

For the past week, I've been having reoccurring dreams of being a demon slayer alla Van Helsing, John Constantine, or Laura Croft. The aforementioned visions inspired me to describe the current progression of my imagination into a strange and fantastical world. Lately every action has taken on a fated meaning.
Aramaic Incantation Bowl for Expelling Demons
These dreams started after I raided the Archaeology Center at my old school (a Jesuit Institution) for books on the occult as well as language and general Archaeology. Among these grimoires I found several interesting volumes on Astronomy, Astrology, Demonology, Conjuring, Incantations, Talismans, Rituals, and many other subjects. Of the few books I have scanned since their reacquisition, I have already learned a great deal about the workings of the cosmos. All summer long, I've developed a strange taste for mysticism, and unfortunately this is feeding the fire.

To share a bit about these dreams, I attempt to find artifacts of potent spiritual power and beauty, but in the process, I find the mansions, museums, and collections possessed by a variety of demons. The word "Demon"derives from the Greek word daimon (δαίμων) which simply refers to a spiritual being of no specific malevolent or benevolent connotations. An Agathos Daimon is usually a tutelary deity or benevolent spirit. Similarly, in Roman religion, is the Genius or personal divinity which is derivative of the Roman belief in animism. These "Demons" come in many different forms, including that of a winged person (much like the depiction of an Angel) or a serpent (connection with Chthonic earthly forces).

In addition to these basic types, there are also a multitude of other spirits classified in these dreams, such as Vampires, Incubi/ Succubi (sexual spirits), Jinn (Arab genies), and a number of other various theriomorphic beings from Egyptian mythology.
Egyptian Wand with various inscribed Demons
At the end of these dreams, I eventually destroy the malevolent spirits using guns, swords, knives, etc. and rescue the object I was sent to recover (much like genies and lamps). Who knows, maybe if I continue to read these manuals, I'll be able to protect and use artifacts to defeat malevolent demonic forces.

Ankh Wedja Seneb
(Life Prosperity Health)

Leif Lauderdale

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